David Vs. Goliath: BetMGM Picks a Fight with Tennessee Owned and Operated Action 24/7 Over Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler Ad – Tennessee Star
Memphis wrestler Jerry Lawler tweets two photos of himself wearing a king’s crown captioned “The Real King of Sportsbooks.” With Action 24/7 logo on the two advertisements.
But BetMGM sportsbook company claims trademark infringement and sends a cease and desist letter to Action 24/7 over the Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler advertisements.
Action 24/7 is a Tennessee owned and operated online sports betting platform. Tina Hodges, owner of Action 24/7, says Lawler has gone by the nickname “The King” for nearly 50 years and that BetMGM does not know much about Tennessee or anything about Jerry Lawler. Read to know why Tina Hodges thinks BetMGM does not have a case!
Last updated:February 22, 2021