worst mascots in the nfl

Today’s Rankings: The Worst NFL Team Mascots

It’s no secret that professional sports teams take their mascots very seriously. From fierce beasts to patriotic symbols, these mascots are supposed to embody the spirit of the team and intimidate their opponents. But let’s be real, some mascots are just not up to snuff. In this article, we’ll take a look at the worst NFL team mascots in the league.

Cleveland Browns

Starting at the bottom of the list, we have the Cleveland Browns’ mascot, Chomps. Chomps is a brown dog that looks like he just woke up from a nap and isn’t quite sure what’s going on. This lackluster mascot just doesn’t instill fear in opponents or inspire much enthusiasm from fans. In the end, Chomps looks like he’s just along for the ride and would rather be taking a nap in his doggy bed. As if the Bowns’ mascot could not get worst, it does. In 2022, they changed their midfield logo to the old mascot, Brownie the Elf, which is what it sounds like. An elf. 

Tennesse Titans

Next up, we have the Tennessee Titans’ T-Rac. This mascot doesn’t look threatening at all. Rather, it looks similar to a child’s cartoon character. Some might even think it looks like a mutant hybrid of a horse and a turtle. In the end, most can agree that it looks like a  clunky mascot that can barely move its legs. 

Pittsburg Steelers

The Pittsburgh Steelers’ Steeler fan is another mascot that falls flat. This supposed steelworker looks more like a construction worker who got lost on the way to a Halloween party. The oversized hard hat and flimsy-looking tools don’t do much to convey the overall blue-collar image the Steelers are known for.

Dallas Cowboys

Next, we have the Cowboys’ mascot. The Dallas Cowboys’ Rowdy might be the saddest mascot on this list. This cowboy is supposed to be a fearless gunslinger. However, he looks like he’s just been told that he has to herd cattle for the rest of his life. With droopy eyes and a defeated posture, Rowdy looks like he’s ready to call it quits and eventually retire to a life of leisure.

Seattle Seahawks

Finally, we have the Seattle Seahawks’ Blitz. Blitz is supposed to be a fierce bird of prey, but instead, he looks like a rejected Muppet character. With his oversized beak and googly eyes, Blitz looks more like a loveable character from a children’s show than a bird of prey.

In conclusion, the NFL is full of mascots that fall short of the mark. From lackluster dogs to slow-moving racehorses, these mascots just don’t live up to the expectations. But, at the end of the day, it’s not the mascot that wins the game – it’s the players. So, let’s just appreciate these less-than-impressive mascots for the comedic relief they provide. In the end, we’ll leave the intense competition to the athletes on the field.

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